Campagne Forum
CAMP is the event for anyone working on a fair and sustainable world; for communication advisors, campaigners, lobbyists and online specialists.
CAMP is an initiative of Bureau Tij and inspired by ECF in Britain and reCampaign in Germany. In 2015 and 2016, Bureau Tij successfully organized CAMP15 and CAMP16. Both times, more than 50 people from 25 different small and large civil society organizations came together to learn, share and inspire. With CAMP, the Netherlands now has her own event for NGOs.
Topics discussed in the recent editions of CAMP:
- How storytelling can help your campaign
- Lobby in the Lower House, how do you organize that?
- What actually is a ‘theory of change’?
- The importance of good research as the basis of your campaign
- How do you write an e-mail that activates the reader?
- How do you (as a small organization) conduct legal campaigns?
- Learn to make a video that will go viral in no time.