Campagne Advice
Bureau Tij advises organizations in every stage of the development and implementation of programs and campaigns. Conducting research, making strategic choices, working project based and searching for inspirational and new forms of communication is, in our view, the essence of an effective campaign or influencing process.
In the start-up phase we can think about formulating clear and realistic goals. We also advise – and do research on all stakeholders and their position in relation to the problem. What role do companies, politics, media and citizens play? Which buttons do you need to push, in order to move a sector?
Examples of our work: Together with the staff of OERRR, the Youth Program of Natuurmonumenten, we developed a strategy for the next decade. We have supported Hivos in setting up and launching a campaign focused on greening data centers. We supported Milieudefensie (the Dutch Friends of the Earth) in implementing a campaign against the use of biokerosine by airlines KLM and Lufthansa. For Questionmark, we conducted a stakeholder survey.