Privacy issues and child marketing, these are just two examples of issues that consumers are faced with on a daily basis. But consumers also have the power to stop buying certain products or to address certain issues to suppliers. In this way, consumers can help to make the world a better place. We like to help organisations working on consumer rights.
In order to increase our impact and to achieve even more concrete results for consumers, we were looking for a new and advanced approach to our campaigns. For this we approached Agnes and Ingrid from Bureau Tij. We have followed the two-day training two times, with colleagues from various departments. We were very pleased! For the past few years, we have been using the campaign cycle presented by Agnes and Ingrid, which has even led to the first campaign results. "
Heleen Lansu, Program Manager at the Consumentenbond
Consumentenbond (Consumer Union)
For various teams of the campaign and communications department, we organized a campaign training.

Stoere Vrouwen (Strong women)
For Stoere Vrouwen we gave strategic advice on the campaign plan for the cosmetics campaign.

Woonbond (Tenants Union)
On the national tenant's day organised by the Woonbond, we organized a campaign workshop.